Sunday 27 June 2021


Title: An Inconvenient Arrangement
(The Rose Room Rogues Book 3)

Author: Callie Hutton
Published: June 2021
Genre: Historical Romance, Spy


Dante Rose, along with his two brothers, splits his time between their very lucrative gaming hell and working undercover for the British Government on sensitive matters. He is also quite rake, and as his father’s by-blow, has no title, and therefore no need to ever marry and produce an heir. He loves the ladies and his life exactly the way it is.

Lady Lydia Smythe, daughter of Viscount Sterling has an unusual talent. She can read, write and speak seven languages. She is occasionally called upon by the Home Office to help in case that requires her knowledge. As a bright, independent woman, she has no need of a man since she supports herself quite comfortably with her assignments from the Home Office, a job she dearly loves.

When Dante and Lydia are summoned to the Home Office and given an assignment that requires them to work together, sparks fly. Some of them good, some of them not so good. She abhors rakes, gambling, and just about everything Dante stands for. Dante balks at having to bring a woman into his investigation. But when the investigation turns dangerous, will he acknowledge his growing feelings for Lydia and protect her?

My Review:

A great book which involves a beautiful independent and highly intelligent heroine, that’s what I loved the most from this. Lydia, a daughter of a viscount doesn’t have any perspective of her future to marry thus she works under the Home Office as an agent because she could speak seven languages. Sir Phillip summons Lydia and the notorious rake hero, Dante to spy an Ambassador of Germany for passing the information to a country yet when Dante first meets Lydia in the office, he is astounded because of her beauty and intelligence. At first he is reluctant to work with her, but the job requires them as a courting couple to be able to attend social events where the Ambassador mostly attends then both eventually agree to do it.

Dante is so drawn toward Lydia, she isn’t easily hypnotized by his charm and look when every woman from the ton would fall under his spell. Lydia’s disinterest just makes Dante more and more drawn toward her thus on the first meeting when he escorts her to her residence, he can’t resist the urge to kiss her thus he kisses her in the carriage and Lydia slaps him and I couldn’t help but laughing for his strong desire and impropriety.

During their mission, Lydia and Dante gets along too well, especially when the Ambassador takes interest in Lydia that makes Dante overprotective and insanely jealous. Dante even lets Lydia, a lady, come and work in his gambling club under his rules however when a scandalous incident unfolds while spying the Ambassador, Dante has to marry Lydia and that’s what I had been looking forward to haha.

If you ever read Callie Hutton’s book, you would be familiar with the hero, yupz, I love her characters of the heroes, intrigues and plot twists particularly when Dante is so smitten with Lydia and can’t keep his hands off her. This book has an enjoyable plot and strong growing desire that can’t be denied by both Dante and Lydia despite their status and professionalism. The twist at the end of the story would grip you to turn the pages over and over. Thank you, Callie Hutton, for this ARC which I voluntarily reviewed. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

My historical romances are full of heat, and quirky characters. I’ve always loved history, which was my college major. Things of the past fascinate me. Not those boring history classes in high school, but the history of people. How they lived their lives, what they ate, what they wore, the challenges they faced, what they worried about.

I have recently delved into Historical Cozy Mysteries. My very first one, For the Love of the Baron, a Historical Suspense novella, spurred me to try a full length, non-romance focused cozy mystery. A study in Murder released this year from Crooked Lane Publishing, and the reviews have been very good. The second book in that series, The Sign of Death, will release in April of 2021.

Although those books are not strictly romance, the main characters, William, Lord Wethington, and Lady Amy Lovell have formed a friendship while solving a murder mystery. Who knows where that will take them?

Take a look around my website and check out some of the books I write, and their lovely covers.

Please consider signing up for my newsletter to keep up to date on new releases, sales, and special offers. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! (This text refers to Amazon edition). Follow her on and Twitter @Calliehutton

Tuesday 22 June 2021


Title: Midsummer Magic at Miss Moonshine’s Emporium
An Anthology of Heartwarming Summer Stories by Authors on the Edge
Published: June 2021
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Are you ready to meet Miss Moonshine? Life may never be the same again …

It’s summer in Haven Bridge and Miss Moonshine is getting ready for a busy season. From the window of her Wonderful Emporium, at the heart of the pretty Yorkshire town, she watches and waits, weaving plans to bring happiness to all who step through her door. For Miss Moonshine is no ordinary shopkeeper. She may not have what you want, but she will always have what you need…

Nine romantic novelists from Yorkshire and Lancashire, including best-selling and award-winning authors, have joined together to create this anthology of uplifting stories guaranteed to warm your heart. This magical collection of contemporary romances will make you laugh, cry and wish for a Miss Moonshine in your own life.

My Review:

From this anthology I am very familiar with Melinda Hammond, I’m fond of her books in Harlequin Mills & Boon under penname Sarah Mallory thus I eagerly and voluntarily offered myself to review this and I didn’t have any regret at all to spend my entire day on reading it. Set in Yorkshire town of Haven Bridge, here nine absolute amazing authors wrote vivid and divine stories of Miss Moonshine in Haven Bridge.

The first story involves swap time from present to the past within Miss Moonshine’s emporium when the heroine should play her role and shouldn’t be changing the history Miss Moonshine insists until midnight, then you will be lead into a second story of a young girl who steals a pen from Miss Moonshine’s emporium and gives it to her grandpa as a present yet her grandpa seems rather unhappy with it. The third is a Frenchman who is assigned to take two weeks holiday, find new idea for the perfume fragrance and coincidentally encounters Miss Moonshine on his way to his destination. The fourth is about a mechanic woman who has to repair Miss Moonshine’s vintage car and requires her ex-fiancé’s assistance, the fifth tells about a young girl who cares about Miss Moonshine and unexpectedly meets a handsome man who owns Greymoor Hall. Further the sixth which tells about a television program that the two participants have to find valuable thing within Miss Moonshine’s emporium that leads them into surprising adventure. The seventh where a ghost story in a baker’s flat spreads around Haven Bridge, discouraging people to order the cake and leading two paranormal investigators in front of the baker’s door. The eight is about the a long-lost old sweethearts that couldn’t be together due to their future decision and meet again in Haven Bridge when they are widow and widower, and the last a young musician girl who misses her stop and gets off in Haven Bridge and meets Miss Moonshine at the station instead.

Since morning to night I was so completely immersed and preoccupied with each story that I wondered how Miss Moonshine brings so much wonderful joy and amusement, unexpected encounters and lively neighborhood despite her eccentric style and antiquities in her emporium. While reading it I wish I could apply for an assistant in her emporium or could visit Haven Bridge and feel the magic myself. This marvelous collection made me smile, scream with joy, feel sad and content and so many other emotions (to be frank, I am an extremely enthusiastic reader). It’s like Miss Moonshine brought a magic on my birthday herself. Thank you, Melinda Hammond for this ARC, I highly recommend and totally enjoyed reading this.

Rate: 5 of 5

Jacqui Cooper

Living on the edge of the Yorkshire moors, Jacqui Cooper doesn’t have to look far for inspiration for her writing. Her short stories regularly appear in popular women’s magazines, including Woman’s Weekly, The People’s Friend and Take a Break. Writing has always been her dream and she is thrilled to now be able to do it full time.

Sophie Claire

Sophie Claire writes emotional stories set in England and in sunny Provence, where she spent her summers as a child. Previously she worked in marketing and proofreading academic papers, but now she’s delighted to spend her days dreaming up heartwarming contemporary romance stories set in beautiful places.

Marie Laval

Originally from Lyon in France, Marie now lives in the Rossendale Valley in Lancashire. Her bestselling novels include Escape to the Little Chateau, shortlisted for the 2021 RNA Jackie Collins Romantic Suspense Award, and her new romance Happy Dreams at Mermaid Cove is available from Amazon and various digital platforms.

Angela Wren

Angela Wren is an actor and director at a theatre in Yorkshire, UK. She loves stories and reading and writes the Jacques Forêt crime novels set in France. Her short stories vary between romance, memoire, mystery, and historical. Angela has had two one-act plays recorded for local radio.

Kate Field

Kate Field lives in Lancashire with her husband, daughter and cat. Her debut novel won the Romantic Novelists’ Association Joan Hessayon Award for new writers. Kate writes heartwarming, uplifting love stories and her latest novel, Finding Home, is available now from Amazon and other retailers.

Mary Jayne Baker

Mary Jayne Baker is a novelist from Bingley, West Yorkshire. Since her debut in 2016 she has published eight romantic comedies, including A Question of Us, which was the winner of the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s Romantic Comedy of the Year Award 2020. Mary Jayne also writes humorous, emotional women’s fiction under the name Lisa Swift, and World War Two sagas as Gracie Taylor.

Helen Pollard

Helen is a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and the society Authors. You can find about Helen’s books on Amazon.

Melinda Hammond

Melinda Hammond is a West Country girl who spent thirty happy years in the Yorkshire Pennines walking the moors and thinking up her stories. In 2018 she decided to realize a lifelong ambition to live by the sea and now writes her award-winning romantic historical adventures from new home in the Scottish Highlands. Melinda also writes as Sarah Mallory for Harlequin Mills & Boon and has published more than fifty novels.

Helena Fairfax

Helena Fairfax is a freelance editor and author of romantic fiction, as well as a non-fiction social history called Struggle and Suffrage in Halifax: Women’s Lives and the Fight for Equality. Readers can keep in touch on social media, where she’s the only Helena Fairfax, or subscribe to her newsletter for book news, photos of her beloved Yorkshire moors, and the occasional free stuff.

Sunday 20 June 2021


Title: Dead Dukes Tell No Tales
(Sass and Steam Book 3)
Author: Catherine Stein
Published: July 2021
Genre: Historical Romance, Adventure, Science-Fiction, Fictional Pirates


Airship pirates, mysterious inventions, and a treasure beyond compare? All in a duke’s work.

Chicago scrap metal mogul Clifford has never encountered an obstacle he couldn’t dismantle. Until he inherits a dukedom burdened with mountains of debt, stifling rules, and people who want to ship his seven-year-old daughter off to boarding school. He’s stuck with the title for life. Which leaves only one solution: kill the duke. And for that, he’ll need the assistance of a professional.

Sabine Diebin, the infamous pirate captain La Capitaine, has one final treasure to find before she settles down to a well-deserved retirement. Unfortunately, the key to finding her prize is buried somewhere in the mess left behind by the late Duke of Hartleigh. To speed up her search, Sabine makes a deal with the oddly charming new duke-next-door. If he sorts through her, she’ll help him disappear.

Working together, Cliff and Sabine uncover a trail of clues that sends them on a world-wide search for a potentially life-changing device. With their combined skills, they can dodge murderous enemies and unravel baffling messages, but they can’t deny their growing bond or the desire sparking between them. Pirates don’t have partners. But if they dare to open their hearts, they might discover that the greatest treasure of all can’t be buried.

My Review:

I was momentarily bereft of words after having finished reading this, it’s brilliant! Clifford Kinsley or Cliff just inherits a dukedom and moves to England with his daughter, Lola, managing the unfinished debts that left by the late Duke of Harleigh who is famous for its eccentric, madness, antiquity, albeit genius. Cliff can’t stand the constant budging from the duchess to play his role as a duke, pay the debts and marry therefore he plans on murdering himself and going back to Chicago as scrap metal businessman. Cliff has a little daughter who has been acquainted with the neighbor next door, the infamous pirate, Sabine. When he visits Sabine, he finds her rather mundane from the appearance with her brown hair and brown eyes on the other hand, Sabine finds him so attractive with his blue eyes, black hair and pair skin, similarly both wear spectacles. They end up making a deal and begin their adventure on airship to find the life-changing treasure through the encoded code left by the late duke that leading into danger. At first, Cliff doesn’t want to be involved however after learning what Sabine pursues, he is determined to pretentiously help her because the treasure can also change Lola’s life as she has lived with biomechanical heart. Yes, indeed, this book is full of science-fiction, highly sophisticated technology, mechanical animals and pets, biomechanical body and other. The leading code takes not only Sabine but also Cliff and his daughter to dangerous adventure where Sabine’s enemy, Readbeard has finally tracked them down.

Since the first appearance, I was so smitten by Sabine’s character. Not only is she independent, elegant and clever but also strong and talented as a captain. Her style of fashion is so adorable from the description until the revelation of why she always wears the dress up to the neck unfolds. Further I couldn’t cease admiring and waiting how Sabine and Cliff finally succumb toward their mutual sexual attraction. Sabine has always stubbornly denied and refused to have sex with Cliff whereas Cliff delightedly announce in the brothel where Sabine wants Cliff to satisfy his need that he will only have it with Sabine. Whoaaahhh love it!! Another gripping surprise I didn’t expect was that the truth would be revealed one by one when Sabine, Lola and Cliff have certainly looked like a real family during the adventure that some of emotional turmoil is inevitable as both want to protect one another including the crew of the airship especially when Redbeard nearly kill them!

Despite the setting, this book brings unexpected imagination of science, very imaginative technology, emotional turmoil, undeniable desire and eventually leads to really uplifting and satisfying ending. It was perfect to escape from whatever work I was doing! If you are a fan of science-fiction, mystery, pirate wrapped in romance, this book is highly recommended! Thank you, Catherine Stein, for the ARC!

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Award-winning author Catherine Stein believes that everyone deserves love that Happily Ever After has the power to help, to heal, and to comfort. She writes sassy, sexy romance set during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Her books are full of action, adventure, magic, and fantastic technologies. Catherine lives in Michigan with her husband and three rambunctious kids. She loves steampunk and Oxford commas, and can often be found dressed in Renaissance Festival clothing, drinking copious amounts of tea. --This text refers to the paperback edition. Follow her on Twitter @catsteinbooks.

Friday 11 June 2021


Title: A Marriage Made in Secret
Author: Jenni Fletcher
Published: June 2021
Genre: Historical Romance, Mills & Boon Historical, Harlequin Historical, Medieval


She must choose…

…her queen – or love!

As the queen’s new lady-in-waiting, Mathilde Gosselin tumbles straight into Parisian palace intrigue when she meets courtier Henry Wright, who she discovers is a spy! Mathilde’s loyalties are now divided – between this enigmatic, courageous man and her queen. And amid the turmoil, her falling for the unsuitable, illegitimate Henry means they’ve no choice but to hide their new love from the world…

From Harlequin Historical: Your escape to the past.

My Review:

Oh my, again, Jenni Fletcher has always fascinated me with her book. Fletcher has undoubtedly won my side for this totally unbelievable story despite the first Medieval book within my e-book shelf. Set in 1325 to 1331, I was introduced into the naïve innocent Queen’s lady, Mathilde Gosselin serving the Queen of England, Isabella whom at that moment resides in France court. Mathilda has just got her first duty and trust from Isabella to take a precious stunning ring and give it to a mysterious visitor that turns out to be first encounter with the hero, Henry Wright, who is accompanying his master (not until several pages through did I get the name of the hero TnT). Because of Mathilde’s big brown eyes and naivety, Henry is immediately drawn to her and can’t cease to tease innocent Mathilde however Mathilde is irritated by the amusement and she otherwise resents him (when I read that scene I didn’t realize I had been smiling haha).  Apparently that doesn’t stop Henry pursuing Mathilde and by the time the encounter is more frequent, he is so besotted with her.

As I read over and over, I didn’t expect to be immersed into the power politics and intrigue between the Queen and the King of England, thankfully the book is so well-written and well-explained that I was able to comprehend how and why that happens. Isabella has been treated badly by dictatorial King, she isn’t inclined to return unless her husband changes that it is highly unlikely thus she plans to invade, capture and replace the King with their son with the assistance of the mysterious visitor, Roger Mortimer, the rebel, who is clearly blood relative to Henry. The more I deeply read the more it got more complex and was full of secrets. There were too many secrets that I was also afraid if in reality they were secrets too.

As one of the traitors himself, Henry has warned Mathilde to back off from the treachery, he cares for her and is so protective of her yet Mathilde has made a promise to stay with the Queen until everything is over. To protect her, Henry instantaneously proposes to her when they are out in London to enjoy their day then they marry in secret. During their secret marriage while serving their masters, I was quite impatient and pitied the couple however, since the first encounter, the tender passion and overwhelming desire and trust mended my impatience.

Jenni is absolutely a brilliant writer, the fictional characters, the plan of treachery, the intrigue and politics are very well-written and explained that I immediately wonder whether it occurred in its history, despite having so many characters, every role within is so clear.

This book is romantically so thrilling, insightful then it grows rather emotional at the end but I couldn’t be more content with the happy ending that it even made me suspend my work for a day to only read this. The handsome pale-blue-eyes-made-me-swoon, Henry who is so overprotective and besotted with the stubborn innocent Mathilde whom is so attached to the selfish Queen are what I love the most. Further the cover perfectly grips my imagination of the Henry and Mathilde. Thank you, Jenni Fletcher, for this ARC.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Jenni Fletcher was born in the north of Scotland and now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and two children. She wanted to be a writer as a child but became distracted by reading instead, finally getting past her first paragraph thirty years later. She’s had more jobs than she can remember but has finally found one she loves. She can be contacted on Twitter @jenniauthor, her Facebook author page or her page