Friday 30 December 2022


Title: Death and Deception: A Victorian Book Club Mystery
Author: Callie Hutton
Published: December 2022
Genre: Historical Mystery, Cozy Mystery


After almost a year of marriage, Lord William Wethington and Lady Amy Wethington have put aside their sleuthing skills to prepare for their first child. T’would be an easy thing except to their dismay, dead bodies are once again popping up.

A corpse discovered floating in the Roman Baths was startling enough, but the unfortunate victim turns out to be Amy’s and her sister-in-law Eloise’s midwife. Mrs. Rita Fleming.

“Do not get involved,” Lord William warns.

“We are ordering you not to entangle yourself,” incompetent Bath Police Detectives Carson and Marsh state.

Lady Amy reluctantly agrees and takes up a questionable hobby that William swears will eventually poison him.

Then another body shows up.

Now, really, what’s a bore mystery writer to do?

My Review:

I never knew Callie Hutton could write such an interesting mystery story. It was an easy read but also made you ponder and guess who could be the suspect among the characters.

William and Amy are preparing the born of their first child, and William also demands Amy to cease thinking of her mystery book and focus on the baby but as soon as the ill-mouthed midwife, Mrs. Fleming appears, I had an inkling something is going to happen to her.

Well, my instinct told me right, she is dead and the mystery begins here. William is so protective of Amy and he wants her to stay out of the case so does the Police detectives who were helped by them during the prior case.  When she can’t stay still, Amy and her best-friend aka sister-in-law begin sniffing and interviewing some close acquaintances and the more they are deep into investigation, the more I got intrigued in. 

It’s apparently not the only murder. Some acquaintances of Mrs. Fleming’s are found dead and it just makes the bored Amy with no idea for her mystery story comes up is more drawn despite the warning therefore William is inclined help to solve the mystery so that Amy can solely focus on their baby.

Despite its title, the mystery is easy to absorb and I loved reading it through and through. All the characters that appear have their own roles to make the readers entertained especially Amy and William’s family. It’s a page-turning mystery and massively entertaining. Thank you, Callie Hutton for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

My historical romances are full of heat, and quirky characters. I’ve always loved history, which was my college major. Things of the past fascinate me. Not those boring history classes in high school, but the history of people. How they lived their lives, what they ate, what they wore, the challenges they faced, what they worried about.

I have recently delved into Historical Cozy Mysteries. My very first one, For the Love of the Baron, a Historical Suspense novella, spurred me to try a full length, non-romance focused cozy mystery. A study in Murder released this year from Crooked Lane Publishing, and the reviews have been very good. The second book in that series, The Sign of Death, will release in April of 2021.

Although those books are not strictly romance, the main characters, William, Lord Wethington, and Lady Amy Lovell have formed a friendship while solving a murder mystery. Who knows where that will take them?

Take a look around my website and check out some of the books I write, and their lovely covers.

Please consider signing up for my newsletter to keep up to date on new releases, sales, and special offers. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! (This text refers to the Amazon edition). Follow her on and Twitter @Calliehutton

Friday 23 December 2022

Title: The Wrong Way to Catch a Rake
Author: Lara Temple
Published: December 2022
Genre: Historical Romance, Mills & Boon Historical, Harlequin Historical


Enjoy this exciting Regency romance set in Venice.

Can she unmask the rogue…

…among the canals of Venice?

So far Phoebe Brimford’s experience of Dominic, Lord Wrexham, is that he lives up to his reputation as dissolute rake. But he’s also frustatingly charming and distractingly attractive! And while undercover spy Phoebe knows entangling herself with such a character is the wrong way to go about her mission, the closer she gets to Dominic, the more she suspects he’s not as lost as society seems to think he is…

My Review:

It’s a story of Dominic, friend of Lord Sherbourne’s from The Lord She Should Never Desire, but it’s also a standalone book. Well as impressed as the first book, I couldn’t express how I loved this book.

Set in Venice, Dominic went to Italy four years ago, I thought he was an exile Lord, but apparently I was mistaken. For Phoebe, Dominic is an utter rake which is good for nothing except for his charming, attractive physique and appearance. He is infamous for his drinking and gambling habit, yet Lara’s splendid writing led me to construct those preconceived characters when in fact he isn’t.

Phoebe is very much irritated by Dominic’s habits because it reminds her of her uncle. She attempts to evade him. Unfortunately, Dominic has taken an interest towards her as her remarkable words etch within his mind through their lighthearted banter.

For Phoebe, it’s so highly unlikely if Dominic is attracted to her. She always admits that she is merely a plain unattractive lady companion yet for Dominic, she looks so different compared to the ladies he meets. She is intelligent, observant and annoyingly captivating.

From the very first page, Phoebe and Dominic had enticed me. Their witty banter and outsmart-mouthed opinion kept me amused over and over, especially how Lara’s writing contrived its story, its meticulous historical detail, mouth-watering food, their emotional and sexual attraction and also its steaminess which emanated particularly when half-naked Dominic playing football made me curse (because I could envision how perfect his feature was).

I couldn’t tell how much I loved Lara’s book especially when she put an unexpected thrilling blew at the peak of the story. The book is so brilliant, full of geographical and historical rhetoric, and I loved when determined Dominic wants to win his future wife, Phoebe despite their accusation of one another regarding their secret identity. Thank you Lara Temple, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lara Temple was three years old when she begged her mother to take dictation of her first adventure story. Since then she has led a double life: by day an investment and high-tech professional who has lived and worked on three continents, but when darkness falls, she loses herself in history and romance – at least on the page. Luckily her husband and two beautiful and very energetic children help weave it all together.



Title: An Alliance with His Enemy Princess
Author: Lissa Morgan
Published: December 2022
Genre: Historical Romance, Medieval Enemies-to-Lovers, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical


A high – stakes, Medieval enemies to lovers story.

A royal decree

That will change their lives...

Norman knight Rolant Guyarde has come to conquer a Welsh fort, but when he meets its mistress, he realizes she’s the sword-wielding “soldier” he fought en route! Despite their being enemies, he finds himself intrigued by the brave, beautiful Princess Gwennan. When they’re forced into an uneasy alliance, Rolant helps her petition the king for her parents’ release from prison. But in exchange for their freedom, the king demands a price neither Rolant nor Gwennan expects!

My Review:

What a story! Lissa Morgan did it again, wrapping the real history of Wales within a historical fictional romance.

This pure enemies-to-lovers story took all my emotional states into something I couldn’t imagine. How war not only in the past but also present has suffered so many people and Lissa Morgan wrote so very well in writing the anguish, the loss, the tragedy, the unfinished revenge and the history into a beautiful book.

During the war between the Norman and Welsh, as commander from Norman, Rolant is momentarily startled by his finding that the unconscious Welsh boy is a girl, Gwennan. He isn’t able to leave Gwennan alone in the middle of war therefore he takes her as a page. Despite his strong, muscular well-built appearance, Rolant is so tender and caring on the other hand Gwennan is spirited temperamental princess and fiercely determined to avenge and get her land back from the Norman.

The first few pages did intrigue me, despite its ugliness of war it gave some details how the war between Norman and Welsh, the pain and the interminable hatred were. The more I indulged into it, the more mysteries and pain unravelled. Both Rolant and Gwennan are the victims of the ugliness of the war. They lose their loved ones and if Gwennan wants her land and her parents to be freed, she has to do something.

This story is full of anguish, hatred and revenge yet sweet, the way Rolant cares for Gwennan. I loved how Rolant and Gwennan are trying to understand their situation better and forgive one another to let their life be happy. The epilogue couldn’t be better! Thank you, Lissa Morgan for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lissa Morgan hails from Wales but has travelled far and wide over the years, usually in pursuit of the next new job, but always pursuing her passion for the past along the way too. She once worked as tour guide at Hampton Court Palace where she donned her sumptuous Tudor gowns – replicas of course – in Catherine of Aragon’s chambers! Now a part-time web designer, Lissa lives in rugged north-west Wales surrounded by medieval castles that provide the perfect inspiration for her writing. Follow Lissa on her website:, facebook: or Twitter:


Title: A Christmas in Manchester
Author: Callie Hutton
Published: November 2022
Genre: Regency Romance


Miss Evelyn Allen has led a quiet life in Worcestershire all her twenty-one years as the devoted daughter of Pastor Joshua Allen and his wife. She always assumed she’d wed one day since her siblings had all done so, but no man had ever appealed to her in a way that she felt she could look across the breakfast table at him forever.

Until he came into her life...

The Duke of Manchester never expected to be left robbed and bleeding in the road miles from home. He knew his chances of survival were practically nil until an angel driving an old wooden wagon dragged him into her house where she and her mother nursed him back to health.

Even though she knows him for a lord by his manners and clothing, Eve has no idea that the man she is falling in love with is a Duke. A man so far above her she shouldn’t even be speaking with him.

To him, their stations matter not, but can he convince her that she is all he wants for Christmas?

My Review:

I did love the sound of Adam and Eve, and so does Adam, the Duke of Manchester when he knows that the angel saves his life is Eve. Eve is a village lass and a daughter of rector, she loves helping people in need thus when a nobleman, Adam is robbed and shot, she helps him despite her hatred towards noblemen. For me, Eve does look rather elegant driving a wagon.

As Adam is recovering during his stays in Eve’s house, their attraction is undeniable and Adam falls madly in love with Eve. I loved the heroine’s characters. She is compassionate, kind, helpful and clever particularly in chess. She also does all the household chores. At first, I didn’t seem to like the hero, Adam. He looks entirely like a rake but it changed immensely when he will do anything to make Eve his wife despite the status quo and the social stations. Their journey and love in conquering the odds mesmerized me.

Not only is this book about Christmas festivities, it’s also about a fight for the love one. It’s a fast enjoyable reading for holiday, a marvellous story that I felt like being taken into a fairytale throughout reading it. Thank you, Callie Hutton, for this ARC which I voluntarily reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

My historical romances are full of heat, and quirky characters. I’ve always loved history, which was my college major. Things of the past fascinate me. Not those boring history classes in high school, but the history of people. How they lived their lives, what they ate, what they wore, the challenges they faced, what they worried about.

I have recently delved into Historical Cozy Mysteries. My very first one, For the Love of the Baron, a Historical Suspense novella, spurred me to try a full length, non-romance focused cozy mystery. A study in Murder released this year from Crooked Lane Publishing, and the reviews have been very good. The second book in that series, The Sign of Death, will release in April of 2021.

Although those books are not strictly romance, the main characters, William, Lord Wethington, and Lady Amy Lovell have formed a friendship while solving a murder mystery. Who knows where that will take them?

Take a look around my website and check out some of the books I write, and their lovely covers.

Please consider signing up for my newsletter to keep up to date on new releases, sales, and special offers. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! (This text refers to the Amazon edition). Follow her on and Twitter @Calliehutton


Title: Carrying Her Boss’s Christmas Baby
(Billion-Dollar Christmas Confession #2)
Author: Natalie Anderson
Published: November 2022
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Harlequin Presents, Mills & Boon Modern, Unexpected Pregnancy


Her new boss is the man she spent one night with! USA TODAY bestselling author Natalie Anderson excites with this pregnancy romance.

“You’re pregnant?”

The proof of their passion!

Ready to experience life after a childhood defined by illness, Violet Summers has left Manhattan work aboard the world’s most luxurious express train! The one thing she can’t leave behind? Her memories of one particular gorgeous if brooding stranger...

The night they shared is imprinted on Violet’s body and soul. So the arrival of her new boss, Roman Fraser, almost has her dropping an armful of festive decorations. He’s that man she couldn’t forget! Now she must drop the bombshell she’s only just discovered: their sizzling encounter hard world altering consequences!

My Review:

Unexpected pregnancy is one of my most favourite tropes and Natalie Anderson wrote it splendidly!

The grumpy and autocratic hero, Roman Fraser first encounters Violet on Halloween when he is taking half-broken wings outside his office building without any purpose on where he should put them meanwhile Violet thinks that Roman is a handsome-fallen angel when she first has a glimpse of him and knows nothing of him. Violet is a pure naive heroine who just wants to experience life without being monitored by her parents and over-protective brothers after what she had been through. On Thanksgiving, unable to forget and deny his sexual desire towards the petite sweet brunette he meets, he finds himself seeking Violet working in the adjacent shop and they commence attracting one another until they succumb into one-night stand.

Ah, I couldn’t tell how much I loved this book, when Roman finds out that Violet is pregnant with his baby on the train trip he owns, he is determined to protect her and the baby with their unstoppable banter I enjoyed. On the other hand, Violet feels profoundly irritated because she doesn’t need to be taking care of.

I’ve always been fond of Natalie’s writing. She often writes all my favourite tropes and characters especially this one, it was smartly plotted, began on Halloween, Thanksgiving then it reached the climax on Christmas day. The set on the train trip was an extra gripping plot that caught me over and over. This wonderful and emotional story kept me indulged until the last page. Thank you, Natalie Anderson, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

USA TODAY bestselling author Natalie Anderson writes emotional contemporary romance full of sparkling banter, sizzling heat and uplifting endings – perfect for readers who love to escape with empowered heroines and arrogant alphas who are too sexy for their own good. When she’s not writing, you’ll find Natalie wrangling her four children, three cats, two goldfish and one dog … and snuggled in heap on the sofa with her husband at the end of the day. Follow her at or her Instagram account

Friday 25 November 2022


Title: Regency Christmas Parties
Author: Annie Burrows, Lara Temple, Joanna Johnson
Published: November 2022
Genre: Regency Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical


Three festive Regency stories in one collection

An invitation to...

Three seasonal Society parties!

In invitation to a Wedding by Annie Burrows, Clara’s immersed in a glamorous aristocratic wedding, but it’s captivating Lieutenant Hugo who sweeps her feet.

In Snowbound with the Earl by Lara Temple, Bella makes an unlikely ally of forbidding Lord Deverill to thwart an elopement – and gets stranded with him for Christmas!

In A Kiss at the Winter Ball by Joanna Johnson, Maria’s rescued from a snowstorm by Viscount Stanford, and receives a life-changing invitation.

My Review:

Delightful Christmas stories from three wonderful Historical romance authors!

The first story is a wonderful one. It’s about a schoolteacher who is invited into a glamorous wedding and Christmas party by her unruly former student. Clara is neither glamour nor rich but she is so compassionate. She had never expected that she would experience a high social party especially being fetched by Hugo, a relative from the groom. Both have completely misread the situation however Hugo always helps Clara when she is in dire need. I did love how the story worked, the instant affections they hold despite the misunderstanding and they gradually realize how wrong they are until they seize their happily-ever-after.

The second story has caught me from the very first banter between Bella and Lord Deverill. They captivated me unexpectedly. It’s enemies-to-lovers stories. Bella and Nicholas are trying to prevent their cousins’ elopement until Nicholas invites Bella to his home to ensure that Bella’s scheme succeeds. Ah poor Bella, after her parents’ demise, she was sent to her aunt and her spoilt cousin and since she never experienced a party like Nicholas holds. The witty banter between these two kept me amused over and over. I did adore Nicholas’s family, especially Emily. I was completely immersed in the family’s festivities!

The third story did intrigue me. It’s about a farmer’s daughter, Maria, who wants to prove that she’s capable of managing her father’s business however when she is leading the turkeys to be sold, she is lost and unexpectedly comes across a Viscount, Alexander. Alexander has an instant attraction when he first saw a red-haired Maria, but he’s going to be engaged. As the snow is getting thicker, Alexander invites Maria to stay until the road is cleared. Days after days, their feeling is growing until unexpected moments appear and it delightfully dragged me into a fairytale!

These three stories completely swept my feet into another time and world. It’s a bundle of moving, splendidly witty and immensely satisfying story. Sweet stories of Christmas festivities that bring you joy! Thank you, Lara Temple, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Annie Burrows has been writing Regency romances for Harlequin since 2007. her books have charmed readers worldwide, having been translated into nineteen different languages, and some have gone on to win the coveted Reviewers' Choice award from CataRomance. For more information, or to contact the author, please visit, or you can find her on Facebook at

Lara Temple was three years old when she begged her mother to take the dictation of her first adventure story. Since then she has led a double life - by day she is a high-tech investment professional, who has lived and worked on three continents, but when darkness falls she loses herself in the history and least on the page. Luckily her husband and two beautiful and very energetic children help her weave it all together. Follow her on Twitter

Joanna Johnson lives in a pretty Wiltshire village with her husband and as many books as she can sneak into the house. Being part of the Harlequin Historical family is a dream come true. She has always loved writing, starting at five years old with a series about a cat imaginatively named Cat, and she keeps a notebook in every handbag - just in case. In her spare time, she likes finding new places to have a cream tea, stroking scruffy dogs and trying to remember where she left her glasses.

Saturday 12 November 2022

Title: Never Rescue a Rogue
Author: Virginia Heath
Published: November 2022
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Romance-Comedy, Frenemies-to-Lovers


Diana Merriwel and Giles Sinclair only tolerate one another for the sake of their nearest and dearest. Everyone believes that the two of them are meant to be together, but Diana and Giles know that their constant pithy barbs come from a shared disdain – not a hidden attraction. Diana loves the freedom of working at the newspaper too much to give it up for marriage, and Giles is happily married to his bachelor lifestyle. But they do have one thing in common – the secrets they can’t risk escaping.

When Giles’ father, the curmudgeonly Duke of Harpenden unexpectedly turns up his toes, it’s only a matter of time before someone comes crawling out of the woodwork who knows the true circumstances of his only son’s birth. As the threat of blackmail becomes real, Giles must uncover the truth of his parentage first, or else he and all those who depend upon him will be ruined – and dogged bloodhound Diana is his best hope at sniffing out the truth. As Giles and Diana dive into his family’s past, the attraction that the two of them insisted wasn’t there proves impossible to ignore. Soon, the future of the Sinclair estate isn’t the only thing on the line…

My Review:

I so loved this book! Not only is this so entertaining and hilarious but also suspenseful and adventurous. I had been enjoying Diana and Giles’ relation from the first book so when I excitedly read this, I couldn’t stop it.

Diana’s life has been getting better since her sister married to Hugh, an Earl. She loves her life, her new family and her job as a nitpicking grammarian for a newspaper yet nobody knows that she is truly talented at her work that it can risk her reputation and life. On the other hand Giles always pretends as a rogue because he wants to irritate his father especially after he knew the threatening revelation.

I did immensely enjoy how the story went from the beginning to the last. When Giles’ father dies leaving so many mysteries of his life and the future of Sinclair estate, Giles decisively goes to Shropshire where he grew up and buries his father and invites Hugh’s family to accompany him. When Giles was explaining his family ancient story, I had an inkling that that someone was going to be the villain and it was surprisingly heart-pounding when that someone turned up. As Giles has no other choice but to ask for help from Diana, they begin their investigation and adventure, and I couldn’t put the book down!

Despite it, I had my own favorite character among the characters within, Dalton, as a supportive character, had captured and entertained me from the beginning!

It is thoroughly riveting story, full of lively humor and romance, gorgeously evocative and I loved the compelling family ties among the characters which make the story more fascinating and heart-warming. Miss Virginia Heath’s writing has always enchanted me!

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

When Virginia Heath was a little girl, it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated – sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. One day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Twenty books and two Romantic Novel of the Year Award nominations later, and it still takes her forever to fall asleep. Follow her at or her facebook page Virginia Heath.


Friday 21 October 2022

Title: A Stolen Knight’s Kiss
(Protectors of the Crown miniseries Book 2)
Author: Melissa Oliver
Published: October 2022
Genre: Medieval Romance, Intrigue, Mystery, Enemies-to-Lovers, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical

An intense enemies-to-lovers story

Captured by a knight...

Rescued by his kiss!

When orphan Eva loses the father figure who’d protected her on the streets of London, she suspects the Knights Fortitude. But when she steals information from them, she’s caught by brooding knight Nicholas. Learning he might not be the villain after all, she puts her distrust aside to work with him, yet Eva must stay focused – and not get distracted when they share a stolen kiss!

My Review:

I was still blinking that I actually couldn’t believe I finished reading this book, pondering on Goodreads when the third book would be released because this miniseries is too good to skip!

Set in London, King Henry period, the Protectors of the Crown is gathered to safeguard the King and his advisors. It’s the second book from its series telling about Nicholas d’Amberly one of the knights, which is too handsome and irresistible when a stolen pouch makes him inevitably encounter with Eva, a clever thief. I so loved how this story progressed from a mere encounter into a sweet one, albeit a bit adventurous and suspenseful.

Well apparently the pouch isn’t merely a pouch but it consists of priceless and precious ring and crucial missive that Nicholas and his friends have to decipher to figure out a threatening group, The Duo Dracones. Eva needs the pouch to obtain the promised money she was offered from The Duo Dracones so that she could escape London, start an ale business and have a new life, yet it turns out that she has to deal the trade with Nicholas as she cleverly remembers the inscribes within the lost missive and wants to avenge her father-figure notorious thief in London, Simon.

Dang I didn’t think that the desire between these two characters would be that brisk despite the state of affairs, when Nicholas is confronting Eva in her room for the theft, then he catches both Eva’s hands, pushes her on the wall and unwittingly kisses her, my heart was shamelessly beating so fast at that moment. Not only did Eva intrigue Nicholas but also she intrigued me, she is quite interesting as a thief.

Ah this book completely mesmerized me, I never thought a London thief could be so utterly clever, fascinating and innocent and half-naked Nicholas holding an axe and chopping wood could make me drool.  Apart from them, I was helped to wander off the London Bridge and River Thames from Melissa Oliver’s immersive and engaging writing. I just loved her writing and this story! Thank you, Melissa Oliver, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Melissa Oliver is from southwest London, UK, where she writes historical romance novels. She lives with her lovely husband and three daughters, who share her passion for decrepit old castles, grand palaces and all things historical. She won the Joan Hessayon Award for New Writers from Romantic Novelists’ Association in 2020 for her first book, The Rebel Heiress and the Knight. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel for inspiration, paint, and visit museums and art galleries. If you want to find out more, follow Melissa on Twitter


Title: Reclaiming His Runaway Cinderella
Author: Annie West
Published: October 2022
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Harlequin Presents, Mills & Boon Modern, Enemies-to-Lovers


Reawakening unresolved passion complicates everything in USA TODAY bestselling author Annie West’s 50th book for Harlequin!

She ran from their wedding...

Now the Italian has found her!

After years of searching, Cesare Brunetti finds his wife, Ida, cleaning homes to make ends meet. The Cinderella heiress fled mere hours after their vows, even though he was the one blackmailed into the convenient union!

Cesare intends to finalize their divorce. Yet he hadn’t counted on discovering Ida’s total innocence in their marriage sham. Or on the attraction that rises swift and hot between them beneath the Tuscan sun... before they say goodbye for good, dare they indulge in the wedding night they never had?

My Review:
This book has the tropes and characters I’m particularly fond of! A convenient marriage that turns out to be inconvenient, a runaway bride, an innocent red-haired heroine, and an Italian hero are my things. Whooopss...

It’s a story of Cinderella heiress, Ida whose grandfather, Calogero, is so ruthless. She agrees to marry Cesare, her grandfather’s enemy to be freed of Calogero while she knows nothing regarding the feud between him and Cesare. Meanwhile Cesare is forced to marry Ida to save his grandfather’s company and the employees, to bring Calogero into justice after his crime and he also was denied access into elite society.

On their wedding night, the scared Ida has to endure Cesare’s vicious remarks that he doesn’t want to sleep with her despite his strong sexual desire towards her. Feeling hurt and unwanted, Ida runs away from him. Ah Ida is so entirely innocent inside and outside, she is too kind, too innocent and too compassionate but those are what I loved from her. On the other hand, Cesare pleads that he won’t be deceived by women and love like his father. To be frank he is the epitome of Italian hero I adored in Harlequin Present. After four years, Cesare tracks down his wife to finalize the divorce and there the inconvenient marriage becomes convenient again.

Well this book completely bewitched me from the beginning. Annie’s vivid and fascinating writing helped me get lost in the characters, the plots, the dresses Ida wears and the beautiful Tuscan countryside. There’s no other word that could utter how much I loved this story, additionally the epilogue warmed my heart. Thank you, Annie West, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed and congratulations on your 50th book!

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

USA Today Bestselling author Annie West loves writing passionate, intense love stories. She has devoted her life to and in depth study of tall, dark charismatic heroes who cause the best kind of trouble in the lives of their heroines who are a perfect match for those strong stubborn men is one of her all time favorite things. As a sideline she’s also researched dreamy locations for romance, from vibrant cities to desert encampments and fairytale castles.

Annie won the Romantic Rimes Reviewers’ Choice Award for ‘Protected by the Prince’ and the Australian Romance Writers’ Romantic Book of the Year Award for ‘Damaso Claims His Hair’. Romantic Times said in its review of The Sheikh’s Ransomed Bride ‘This is what a love story could be’.

As well as writing for Harlequin/Mills and Boon, Annie also publishes shorter contemporary romances like her Hot Italian Nights e-novella series.

She lives with her family at beautiful Lake Macquarie on the east coast of Australia, situated neatly between spectacular sandy beaches and gorgeous wine country. She loves reading, good company, good food, long walks and travel.

You can catch Annie’s news at her website or via Facebook at . She loves to hear from readers and you can contact her at annie(at)annie-west(dot)com. To sign up for her email newsletter with behind the scenes information and updates, go to

Friday 23 September 2022


Title: Tempted by Her Outcast Viking
(Shieldmaiden Sisters Book 2)
Author: Lucy Morris
Published: September 2022
Genre: Historical Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Enemies-to-Lovers


A passionate Viking romance

Tempted by the warrior...

But she’ll never wed!

Brynhild had once been close to Erik – until he’d betrayed her, and she’d hoped never to see him again. Now the fiercely independent shieldmaiden needs Erik’s skills to rescue her sister. Striking a truce with the tough, isolated loner, they reach mutually beneficial deal: help her and, in return, she’ll help him in his quest to find a wife – by teaching him how to please a woman in bed!

My Review:

What an immersing book! I enjoyed reading it so much that I didn’t realize its ending. Brynhild and Erik captivated me from the beginning until the last and I couldn’t wait to read the third book!

Brynhild and Erik might be childhood friends but as a thrall, Erik had hideous treatment from his father, Ulf (every time Ulf appeared, I felt like wanting to joggle him because he is really more irritating here). Meanwhile Brynhild always feels that her family is completely reliant on her as Valda, her sister, sailed after the wedding.

What captivated me more were its rich historical details and places, Erik’s mother was Persian and a thrall that is what makes him a thrall and half-Persian too but eventually he purchases and releases himself from his cruel father. Erik and Brynhild have unfinished issues when they were young therefore when they meet again, Erik is craved to apologize but he never expected that he would be tempted by her, she looks more beautiful with her strong tall physique, and long blonde hair. He very much desires her as she is as equal as him. (Well, I did also adore her because she is very kind and compassionate).

When Helga, Brynhild’s fragile sister is kidnapped, both Erik and Brynhild go on a journey to rescue her yet never did they imagine that they will be induced by their desire. I immensely enjoyed their journey because it was so immersing and imaginable, thank you, Lucy Morris, for your engrossing writing.

I never wondered that this book could be, wow, so entirely engrossing. It successfully brought my emotions out from the very first chapter to the last, especially how heart-wrenching Erik’s past was and how distressing Brynhild’s position is despite being strong shieldmaiden. Furthermore Erik’s revelation took me by surprise. The ending, I was so entirely preoccupied by the story that I didn’t realize its ending. I couldn’t believe this book hooked me from the first page to the last! Thank you, Lucy Morris, for this ARC which I voluntary review.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lucy Morris lives in Essex, UK, with her husband, two young children and two cats. She has a massively sweet tooth and loves gin, bubbly and Irn-Bru. She is a member of the UK Romantic Novelists’ Association and is delighted to begin her publishing journey with Harlequin Historical in 2021 with her first release ‘The Viking Chief’s Marriage Alliance’.

She adores writing strong, passionate women and the brave honourable men who fall in love with them. Weaving her fascination with the dark age of medieval Europe with her compulsion to give her characters a happily ever after. But only after they’ve had an adventure along the way. Follow her on twitter

Saturday 20 August 2022

Title: Claimed to Save His Crown
(The Royals of Svardia Book #3)
Author: Pippa Roscoe
Published: August 2022
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Harlequin Presents, Mills & Boon Modern


In this dramatic romance from Pippa Roscoe, will she become a part of his royal world?

From Cinderella in the palace shadows...

To his unexpected queen!

Lady-in-waiting Henna would do anything for the royal family that gave her a home when her own wouldn’t. So after Henna stops a marriage that would protect King Aleksander’s throne but ruin his life, she must face the Ice King’s fury!

Aleks’s coldhearted reputation isn’t a secret. His tough exterior is designed to fiercely guard against the heartbreak that once tore his world apart. But then a transformational kiss with Henna awakens him to a surprising new possibility that could save his crown... And it starts with her!

My Review:

Why did this book have to take me into some emotional turmoil? Indeed, the last series of The Royal of Svardia loaded so much angst and loss between the two characters, Aleks and Henna.

Frankly Henna had captivated me from the first series when she ordered Aleks to fix Freya and Kjell’s dilemma and Aleks acted upon it. Henna is Freya’s best friend and Lady-in-waiting but since Freya has been preoccupied with her happiness with Kjell, she has more works from Aleks which she often refuses. I hadn’t the slightest inkling that the issues Aleks has to deal with would be so complex. He has trust issue because of the heart wrecking experiences when he was so young meanwhile Freya is the real modern Cinderella with cruel sister and unloving mother.

These two broken-hearted characters wouldn’t let them to be selfish. They can’t indulge into their sexual temptation because of the fear however when Aleks has to meet a secret community to save his sister he needs a completely trusted back up and he has no other candidate but Henna.

I couldn’t stop myself from being taken into their journey finding the happiness they deserve, how they ought to sacrifice their feelings for best and it was so awful and sorrowful to have seen them enjoy their temporary temptations but, hey it’s Pippa Roscoe’s book and HEA is always guaranteed. I just loved the stories of Svardia with its unique plots and characters, the heart-warming family ties, and its satisfying and uplifting ending. Thank you, Pippa Roscoe, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Pippa Roscoe lives in Norfolk near her family and makes daily promises to herself that this is the day she’ll leave the computer to take a long walk in the countryside. She can’t remember a time when she wasn’t dreaming about handsome heroes and innocent heroines. Totally her mother’s fault, of course – she gave Pippa her first romance to read at the age of seven! She is inconceivably happy that she gets to share those daydreams with you all. Follow her on Twitter,



Title: How to Woo a Wallflower
(Society’s Most Scandalous Book 1)
Author: Virginia Heath
Published: August 2022
Genre: Regency Romance, Friends-to-Lovers, Mills & Boon Historical, Harlequin Historical


An entertaining, sexy Regency romance

He could have any deb

Except his best friend’s sister...

Jasper, the Earl of Beaufort, hasn’t seen Lady Harriet Fitzroy since her serious riding accident. She has grown into a kind, spirited woman, whose sinful smile plays havoc with his jaded emotions! Hattie’s family disapprove of Jasper’s rakish past, but when she risks her reputation to help him, the least he can do is pull her from the wallflower chairs and out of the shadows...

My Review:

I have always adored Virginia Heath’s books as she presents truly fascinating story all the time, a very kind-hearted, compassionate and thoughtful, albeit limping heroine and an assumed rakish hero.

I was greatly touched by the kindness from both Hattie and Jasper. They are meant to be together. Hattie is a daughter of a respected Duke and Jasper is an heir of a Duke however they have a different path because despite Hattie’s beauty and title, she walks with a limp due to horse riding accident and Jasper is infamous as a scandalous rake due to his club and past. Getting to know both characters, I was convinced that whatever society presumes does not look what it seems to look.

On some occasions, Hattie helps Jasper because she is genuinely kind even if she knows that Jasper might have a daughter, she isn’t prejudiced. I could understand why Jasper is captivated by her, because who isn’t? She helps without seeing whoever it is and puts a blind eye to what society presumes therefore Jasper promises to save her from Earl Boredom during the ball. Well I loved the sound of 1813 Wallflower club they create.

The closer they become, the more Jasper wants Hattie however common decency will not allow him to drag her into a scandalous mess he’s going to deal with, not only because of her brother but also for her own good. This isn’t merely a story of regency period and romance but a compassionate story containing some heart-warming, uplifting and entertaining plots. Thank you, Virginia Heath, for this ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

When Virginia Heath was a little girl, it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated – sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. One day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Twenty books and two Romantic Novel of the Year Award nominations later, and it still takes her forever to fall asleep. Follow her at or her facebook page Virginia Heath.