Sunday 24 December 2023


Title: Snowed in with the Viking
Author: Lucy Morris
Published: December 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Viking Period, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Forced-Proximity, Opposite-Attract


An intense forced-proximity story – with an enigmatic Viking stranger...

Stranded in the Arctic

With a lone-wolf Viking!

Lost in the remote wilderness in snowstorm, Embla is rescued by local “Wildman” Runar and taken to his cabin – with just one bed! But as he warms her icy body with his, passion inflames them both... She’s been warned against this man her entire life – but as she realizes she could be stranded with him for weeks, it seems her only option is to trust him...and their intense attraction!

My Review:

What is the cosiest read you have had this year? I would shout from the rooftops that this is the cosiest book I have ever read for this year.

Set in Norway during the Viking age, I was lost into how freezing and thick the snow must be as Embla sets out to rescue three lost children she has been looking after. However fate brings her into a cave where Runar, the notorious Wildman, also stays. Runar is a big hairy man with a tender and the kindest heart albeit reclusive. Embla is soft, too kind and always thinks of others before herself. I think he falls in love with Embla at first sight, although he doesn’t admit it at the beginning.

To survive from the avalanche, Embla is rescued to Runar’s cabin where they are stranded until Embla is able to return to her tribe. Embla knows that Runar often trades to Gudvangen, where her tribe lives, but he is forbidden to enter the tribe because of his past sin. Oh my, I loved it so much when both Runar and Embla do their chores during the winter. Everything is so immersive and well-written! Not only did I love the food they served, the detailed garments and the cabin, but also their undeniable chemistry and devotion. Both Runar and Embla are confused by their own feelings. When the time comes for Embla to return to her tribe, she finds herself under the protection of the Jarl and his wife. After the dramatic situation, Runar is determined to stay outside the area and wait for Embla no matter what. Ah he is sweet and is devoted to Embla.

I couldn’t put the book down as I was thoroughly captivated by the story, the wonderful characters, the immersive setting, the cultures and the wonderful history of the Norse and Sami. The Sami and Norse culture are beautifully written and illustrated. Lucy Morris’s excellent writing kept me snuggled up in bed with a cup of tea. That is how I would recommend you to read it. The ending and epilogue are so uplifting that I couldn’t resist reading it again! Thank you, Lucy Morris for the e-arc which I volunteered to review.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lucy Morris lives in Essex, UK, with her husband, two young children and two cats. She has a massively sweet tooth and loves gin, bubbly and Irn-Bru. She is a member of the UK Romantic Novelists’ Association and is delighted to begin her publishing journey with Harlequin Historical in 2021 with her first release ‘The Viking Chief’s Marriage Alliance’.

She adores writing strong, passionate women and the brave honourable men who fall in love with them. Weaving her fascination with the dark age of medieval Europe with her compulsion to give her characters a happily ever after. But only after they’ve had an adventure along the way. Follow her on twitter


Title: A Wedding to Stop a Scandal
(A Very Village Scandal Book #3)
Author: Virginia Heath
Published: December 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Regence Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Marriage-of-Convenience


A charming Regency romance with a touch of humor and sparkle

Caught unchaperoned in a blizzard

Forced into a convenient marriage!

The last words Rose Healy to say again were “I do.” Not after being jilted by her former betrothed. Until she finds herself in a seemingly compromising situation with Dr. Sam Able, the handsome widower caring for her aunt. Now a wedding is the only way to avoid a scandal! Rose vowed never trust a man again – can she vow to spend the rest of her life with Sam?

My Review:

Would you rather live in the centre of London ton where there’s a scandal, or in a village where there’s still a scandal?

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this book. I think life in the Whittleston-on-the-Water was much more entertaining than in my current area.

Rose and Sam have always enjoyed each other’s company but that’s about it. When a nasty fall befalls upon Rose’s aunt, she instinctively attempts to save her but it may turn to no avail as she and her aunt get injured. Calling the most Able Doctor, I found Sam charming, caring and attractive because he is a man of science. I thought Rose and Sam were permanent residents of the village but apparently their past makes them hide there.

The chemistry between Rose and Sam is palpable from the beginning, but both deny their feelings and swear off love because of their too painful pasts. To fool the villagers in a bet, they agree to become partners in crime, yet it backfires as they find themselves in a compromising situation. When Rose’s past and current scandal are in tatters, there’s really no alternative but to marry and they both agree to live without loving one another. Despite the emotional roller-coaster, I found the sarcasm more than entertaining. I have always admired Virginia Heath’s excellent writing and her choice of words.

To be frank, I couldn’t stop feeling sympathetic for Rose every time I read how Rose thinks and feels about herself. It’s so emotionally distracting. She doesn’t deserve it and I couldn’t wait to see Sam in distraught when she leaves him. Thus I kept on turning the pages to see him chase after Rose. I loved how the people in the village care for one another, it’s so heart-warming and wonderfully drawn, particularly the meddling old lady, Mrs Fitzherbert. She is my most favourite character!

The last instalment of A Very Village Scandal is absolutely wonderful with lively humor and tender-hearted villagers. The epilogue almost fooled me but it’s worth it! Thank you, Virginia Heath for the e-arc, which I volunteered to review.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

When Virginia Heath was a little girl, it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated – sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. One day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Twenty books and two Romantic Novel of the Year Award nominations later, and it still takes her forever to fall asleep. Follow her at or her facebook page Virginia Heath.


Title: To Charm a Highlander
(The Sutherlands of Dornoch Castle #5)
Author: Callie Hutton
Published: November 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Friends-to-Lovers


Love blossoms amidst secrets and suspicion...Lady Donella Sutherland has been ignored by most of her clan because she is thought to be simple-minded. She wasn’t always that way, her brother, Laird Haydon insists. But the years go on and she doesn’t change. Callum Gunn, second oldest son to Laird Gunn has been accused by his brother, Fraser of causing his father’s death on the battlefield. A charge Callum strongly denies. With a few men willing to testify on Laird Fraser Gunn’s behalf, Callum finds himself banned from his clan. A few months of wandering around brings him to Sutherland Castle where he asks Laird Haydon Sutherland to allow him to join his warrior forces. Not trustful of the Gunn Clan, Haydon refuses, but as Callum is about to leave, Lady Donella slips on the stairs and after smacking her head on a stone step, tumbles down, right into Callum’s arms. Grateful for saving his sister from a certain death, Haydon allows Callum to stay. When Donella awakens, she is surprised to find everyone treating her like a bairn. Her family and the clansfolk all act strangely toward her as she moves around castle, doing normal jobs. Callum finds the lass he rescued beautiful and charming. He sees nothing dim-witted about Donella and is confused by what he hears from others in the clan. However, as they grow closer he believes she is hiding a secret that could keep them from having a life together. If he wants that life with Donella, he must uncover what secrets she’s been hiding.

My Review:

This dramatic read with a charming Callum made me forget the schoolwork I had to do! Thanks to Callie!

Callum and Donella meet in the inevitable dramatic fall when Callum comes to join Sutherland Clan as one of the warriors. He doesn’t know Donella’s characters before the fall. Donella’s family and clanmen always look surprised when she does the usual things because she never went beyond the castle after the incident fourteen years ago. The secret from fourteen years ago which only Donella knows, made me wonder why and what happened. When she gets amnesia, no one can uncover it.

It’s an easy and quick read. I was led to believe that Callum and Donella would not have any complex issues yet I was wrong. When Callum begins courting Donella, the past eventually comes to the surface and it was so horrible! Oh Donella, how could you suffer alone without talking or even telling anyone? The change of the story line from sweet to dramatic was fascinating. Callie Hutton is a master of the plot twist. This is why I keep reading her books.

It’s a quick and easy read with an entertaining and dramatic storyline.

Rate: 4.5 of 5

About the author

My historical romances are full of heat, and quirky characters. I’ve always loved history, which was my college major. Things of the past fascinate me. Not those boring history classes in high school, but the history of people. How they lived their lives, what they ate, what they wore, the challenges they faced, what they worried about.

I have recently delved into Historical Cozy Mysteries. My very first one, For the Love of the Baron, a Historical Suspense novella, spurred me to try a full length, non-romance focused cozy mystery. A study in Murder released this year from Crooked Lane Publishing, and the reviews have been very good. The second book in that series, The Sign of Death, will release in April of 2021.

Although those books are not strictly romance, the main characters, William, Lord Wethington, and Lady Amy Lovell have formed a friendship while solving a murder mystery. Who knows where that will take them?

Take a look around my website and check out some of the books I write, and their lovely covers.

Please consider signing up for my newsletter to keep up to date on new releases, sales, and special offers. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! (This text refers to the Amazon edition). Follow her on and Twitter @Calliehutton

Sunday 26 November 2023


Title: The Knight’s Substitute Bride
(Brothers and Rivals #2)
Author: Melissa Oliver
Published: November 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Medieval Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Marriage of Convenience


Could the wrong bride...

Be right for him after all?

For the sake of his family name, Lord Robert must merry to seal an alliance with an Irish clan. Only, the woman at the altar isn’t who he was promised! Instead, it’s her sister, Lady Mairenn! The sharp-tongued Irish beauty is as reluctant to wed as Robert, but as friction turns to fire between them, she’s further derailing Robert’s plans for this purely pragmatic arrangement...

My Review:

My wish was granted as I finally got the chance to read the story of Ruaidhri’s twin brother, Robert. I was super excited to be reading about Robert and his unexpected bride, Mairenn! These two are absolutely wonderful.

My first impression of Robert from the prior series was that he was cold, foreboding and unreadable yet I couldn’t seem to forget about him. He is my absolute swoon-worthy medieval knight. I had a glimpse of Robert’s situation from the first book. To seal an alliance between the Anglo-Norman and Iris clan, Robert has agreed to marry the daughter of the Darach clan however on the wedding day, he is furious when the bride is switched with the second daughter, Lady Mairenn. What he doesn’t expect is that the outspoken, free-spirited and disobedient woman is the woman he encountered when he lost his horse. I felt completely immersed during their wedding ceremony especially the surprise when they are standing at the altar with shocked expression. This dramatic encounter made a dramatic back sound effect inside my head, jreng jreng jreng ....

I think Mairenn is a match for Robert. Their sparring is always amusing to me especially the war of words they always have when they are in disagreement. At some point I dislike Robert when he detaches himself from Mairenn because of his uncle. Arrgghh, I know that villain will make his move in this second book. Yet Robert’s affection for Mairen is so tender and caring, his concern over Mairenn’s illness, I loved it so much.

I admire how Melissa Oliver and Ella Matthews combine their characters within this series. Oh my, when Darach clan is under attack and Rhuadhri, Robert’s twin brother comes to his aid, they fight at back to back like characters in a film. I was drooling as I screamed woohooo ....

Had I not to read Melissa’s note, I would have thought these two characters were fiction but they are not. These characters are apparently based on real historical figures. I can’t tell you more about the history, but Melissa’s evocative storytelling and writing is absolutely captivating. I’m so grateful to have had the chance to read the whole series of Brothers & Rivals! Thank you, Melissa Oliver, for the e-arc which I volunteered to review.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Melissa Oliver is from southwest London, UK, where she writes historical romance novels. She lives with her lovely husband and three daughters, who share her passion for decrepit old castles, grand palaces and all things historical. She won the Joan Hessayon Award for New Writers from Romantic Novelists’ Association in 2020 for her first book, The Rebel Heiress and the Knight. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel for inspiration, paint, and visit museums and art galleries. If you want to find out more, follow Melissa on Twitter


Title: A Lady on the Edge of Ruin
Author: Lotte R. James
Published: November 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Age-Gap Romance


A forbidden romance sizzling with scandal and seduction

A passion that could destroy her reputation

But save her heart!

Since the traumatic events of her first Season, Lady Mary Spencer’s been wary of Society. Tired of feeling angry and bitter, at a seemingly innocuous garden party, she lets her guard down with Luca Guaro. The charming Itaian rogue also abhors the ton’s dictates and becomes a much-needed light in Mary’s life. A liaison with Luca would be scandalous, so why is she so tempted to head to the brink of ruin...?

My Review:

Oh I can’t recommend this book enough! I loved everything about it from the beginning to the end!

Alright, at first I was so reluctant to read it because I’m not a big fan of age gap romances where the heroine is older but, oh, Lotte R. James has totally changed my mind with this book.

Where to begin? Let’s meet the characters. We have a very tender and kind hero, Luca, a companion of Lady Granville, and Lady Mary, a perfect society lady. When I first glimpsed Mary’s characters, she sounded like a mean lady but I knew there must be a story underneath and I was right. She hides her true self for her family, to avoid any scandal that might threaten her family. Oh, I felt sorry for her. She longs to be herself, to express her feelings but she can’t. She has to be strong and unafraid. She has to be the perfect society lady. On the other hand, Luca, despite his lack of title and wealth, warmed my heart and Mary’s with his tenderness and kindness.

Luca is attracted to Mary even though he knows he can’t be with Mary yet he keeps on pursuing her. When Mary is in need of help, Luca is always there to help her and Mary begins to break down her strong wall before him, just to be herself. I loved when Mary reveals her jealousy and she is on the verge of crying and Luca runs after her and soothes her. Ah that was sweet. I was so caught up in the romantic journey of Luca and Mary, but their journey isn’t without bumps. Mary has to deal with her trauma and also her friends and her scandalous secret. Just when I thought that her happy ending was near, I was taken aback into more emotional turmoil of how Mary has to sacrifice her happiness.

Well Lotte R. James’s writing has the power to bring out all emotions within me. The traumatic past that Mary and her friends experienced, the heartbreaking issue between her and Luca, the heart-warming family ties and the friendship that Lady Granville offers to Luca. It is all emotionally powerful and touching. If Lotte ever offers to review her next book, I’m definitely in! Thank you, Lotte R. James, for the e-arc which I volunteered to review.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the Author

Lotte R. James trained as an actor and theatre director, but spent most of her life working day jobs crunching numbers while dreaming up stories of love and adventures. She’s thrilled to finally be writing those stories, and when she’s not scribbling on tiny pieces of paper, she can usually be found wandering the countryside for inspiration or nestling with coffee and a book. You can reach her on Twitter

Sunday 5 November 2023


Title: Never Wager with a Wallflower
The Merriwell Sisters #3)
Author: Virginia Heath
Published: November 2023
Genre: Romance Comedy, Regency Historical, Opposite-Attract, Historical Romance


The third and final delightful instalment in the Merriwell Sister’s Regency rom-com series.

Miss Venus Merriwell has been waiting for her prince to come since the tender age of fourteen. She wants a man who is selfless, academic like her, and free from all the wretched vices her gambler father enjoyed far too much before he left the Merriwell sisters practically destitute. Unfortunately, after a slew of romantic disappointments, there is still no sign of that prince at twenty-three and the only one true love of her life is the bursting-at-the-seams orphanage in Convent Garden that she works tirelessly for. An orphanage that desperately needs to expand into the empty building next door. For Galahad Sinclair, gambling isn’t just his life, it’s in his blood. He grew up and learned the trade at his grandfather’s knee in a tavern on the far away banks of the Hudson in New York. But when fate took all that away and dragged him across the sea to London, it made sense to set up shop here. He’s spent five years making a success out of his gaming hell in the sleazy docks of the East End. Enough that he can finally afford to buy the pleasure palace of his dreams – and where better than in the capital’s sinful heart, Covent Garden? The only fly in his ointment is the perfect building he’s just bought to put it in also happens to be right next door to the orphanage run by his cousin’s wife’s youngest sister. A pious, disapproving and unsettling siren he has avoided like the plague since she flattened him five years ago...

While Venus and Galahad lock horns over practically everything, and while her malevolent orphans do their darndest to sabotage his lifelong dream, can either of them take the ultimate gamble – and learn to love thy neighbour?

My Review:

I had been so looking forward to this last series of the Merriwell Sisters as the pious Venus Merriwell was going to be attached to Galahad Sinclair!

It’s been five years since the tragedy of Galahad being flattened by Venus and they have tried their best to steer clear of one another however on the day Galahad gains the perfect buildings for his forthcoming business, he coincidentally comes across the self-righteous Venus whom happens to work in the orphanage adjacent to his buildings. Oh I was so excited to find out what they will become of!

I had never laughed so hard over the book for quite some time and Virginia Heath’s book did it to me. I was so engrossed and touched by the caring albeit found family, especially their wager over the cards game between Venus and Galahad, the untamed orphanage kids who have become tameable particularly after the most hilarious incident to make Galahad’s place in chaos, and the regular spar between Venus and Galahad.

This is such a fabulous romance-comedy, well-drawn and moving read. I couldn’t compare each story of Merriwell Sisters as they all are the best. This last Merriwell Sisters series has perfectly completed it.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

When Virginia Heath was a little girl, it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated – sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. One day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Twenty books and two Romantic Novel of the Year Award nominations later, and it still takes her forever to fall asleep. Follow her at or her facebook page Virginia Heath.

Saturday 21 October 2023


Title: Her Warrior’s Surprise Return
(Brothers and Rivals #1)

Author: Ella Matthews
Published: October 2023
Genre: Historical Romance, Medieval Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Childhood Sweethearts-to-Enemies-to-Lovers


A dramatic, intense medieval romance

A surprise reunion

With the warrior from her past...

It’s been years since Ruaidhri abandoned Sorcha, and she’s no longer the woman she once was. Now leader of the Suibhne Clan, she must unite her people against invading forces. When rumors of Ruaidhri’s return to Ireland prove true, she’s unsettled at seeing him again. He offers to help her, but his past betrayal still burns, even if desire is as strong as ever. Should Sorcha trust her head...or her heart?

My Review:

I did enjoy how this story went without having to hypothesize how many mysteries would be concealed before I reached the end of the story. This is a fabulous read where childhood sweethearts became enemies!

Ruaidhri is infamous for his ruthless tactics as mercenary that is what Sorcha has been convinced since he left her eight years ago. So when Ruaidhri returns to Suibhne clan set in Ireland, Sorcha is afraid that he will destroy her clan. Despite his hate after what the clan had done to him, his affection and love for Sorcha apparently has not dissipated, yet it grows strongly and makes him so protective of her. Both characters think that they have a hold over one another and it might break their heart over again particularly in their predicament.

The story worked very well for me, I was unable to stop from turning the pages especially after the dramatic encounter between Ruaidhri and his brother which he knew nothing about. That was the peak of the story which I couldn’t forget and I was hoping I got the chance to read his brother’s story. I loved how Ella Matthews wrote this story. Her wonderful story-telling about the history, the survival of a small clan and these childhood sweethearts kept me glued to the book. If you in need of light reading yet still entertaining, I highly recommend it. Thank you, Ella Matthews, for the e-arc which I voluntarily reviewed.

 Rate: 4.5 of 5

About the author

Ella Matthews lives and works in beautiful South Wales. When not thinking about handsome heroes, she can be found walking along the coast with her husband and their two children (probably still thinking about heroes, but at least pretending to be interested in everyone else). Follow her at or her Twitter at

Saturday 23 September 2023


Title: Second Chance with His Viking Wife
Author: Sarah Rodi
Published: September 2023
Genre: Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical, Enemies-to-Lovers, Second Chance at Love, Marriage of Convenience


A high-stakes marriage of convenience in the Viking

Back to claim his crown

...and his wife!

Prince Teon married the Viking chief’s daughter Revna to prevent a war, only to leave immediately to fight another one. Now he’s returned to claim his crown! He’s returned too discover the love of his people have for Revna, and by the intensity of their unexpected connection. Teon tells himself he only needs Revna as an ally, until the passion of their belated wedding night promises they could be so much more...

My Review:

When I got an offer to review Sarah Rodi’s upcoming book, I was assured that it would be promising and indeed it is! After the hustle bustle of the work at school, I took the book and thoroughly enjoyed having it!

To begin with, Prince Teon and Revna were forced to wed by both fathers to prevent further war between heathen and Saxon. On the wedding night, Teon’s hatred towards Revna made him leave her for eight years. He then returns to claim his crown on the day of her father’s burial and discovered the little girl he married to has grown into a brave beautiful woman.

Yet when someone is going to take over the crown and starts the war, Teon and Revna have no alternative but to stay within the keep. Teon is a handsome big grumpy prince with fiery temperament for his Viking wife. On the contrary, Revna is too good to be with Teon but I was unable to deny that they match very well! Revna is brave, resourceful, too forgiving and compassionate. Despite Teon’s unfriendly treatment, she keeps on helping the Saxon people. Well, I loved how Teon can’t resist his growing sexual desire to Revna, and he begins to feel possessive when Revna touches one of his friends to treat the wound. There are lot of things that Teon has to conquer; his crown, his revenge, his anger, and his desire for his wife, and oh! They intimate relation is beyond spicy.

I became rather annoyed about Teon’s temperament, how he could be so cruel for the things Revna is unaware of but everything is worth the wait when mystery after mystery is unveiled. I thoroughly enjoyed and loved this book. It is emotionally powerful, thoroughly riveting with spicy scenes and so uplifting at the end. It is enemies-to-lovers, second chance at love, and marriage of convenience in one! Highly recommended for those who love those tropes! Thank you, Sarah Rodi, for the e-ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the Author

Sarah Rodi has always been a hopeless romantic. She grew up watching old, romantic movies recommended by her granddad, or devouring love stories from local library. Sarah lives in the village of Cookham in Barkshire, where she enjoys walking along the River Thames with her husband, two daughters and their dog. She has been a magazine journalist for over twenty years, but it has been her lifelong dream to write romance for Harlequin Historical. Sarah believes everyone deserves to find their happy-ever-after. You can contact her via or visit her website at

Sunday 20 August 2023


Title: The Warrior’s Reluctant Wife
(The Warriors of Wales #1)
Author: Lissa Morgan
Published: August 2023
Genre: Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Medieval Wales, Medieval Romance, Harlequin Historical, Mills & Boon Historical



An arranged marriage

An unexpected love...?

Recently widowed, Rhianon hopes never to find herself bound to a man again, after being raised by a violent father and married to an unpredictable husband. But to seal a strategic alliance she’s forced to marry Peredur ab Eilyr – a warrior lord with a formidable reputation! Rhianon might be a reluctant wife...but ruling with her new husband is revealing a passionate side to Peredur that Rhianon is anything but reluctant to explore...

My Review:

This wonderful read had completely packed up my summer holidays! Who would have thought that I would be so engrossed by it?

Rhianon knows after being a widow that her father will marry her off again but she has no idea her new husband conceals mystery beneath his icy warrior. From the beginning, I had this thought that Peredur would be cold towards Rhianon but he isn’t. On the contrary, he is so thoughtful, caring and affectionate meanwhile Rhianon is still reluctant to do her duty as a wife after what she experienced. With their unexplored passion and married life, I kept wondering who would be surrendering first.

Moreover the unrevealed mystery of Peredur’s past also kept me wonder what had happened and why he had been called heartless. Turning the pages over pages, I was dumbfounded by Peredur’s revelation, how is that possible? Despite their issue, I was thoroughly blown away by history of Medieval Wales and the morloi. It was so beautifully written and deeply researched. What annoyed me a lot was why I couldn’t pronounce Welsh very well. I wish I had learnt Welsh before reading it!

Arranged marriage trope is my cup of tea and Lissa Morgan cleverly packed it with wonderful history of Medieval Wales. I so look forward to Llywelyn’s story!

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lissa Morgan hails from Wales but has travelled far and wide over the years, usually in pursuit of the next new job, but always pursuing her passion for the past along the way too. She once worked as tour guide at Hampton Court Palace where she donned her sumptuous Tudor gowns – replicas of course – in Catherine of Aragon’s chambers! Now a part-time web designer, Lissa lives in rugged north-west Wales surrounded by medieval castles that provide the perfect inspiration for her writing. Follow Lissa on her website:, facebook: or Twitter:

Wednesday 19 July 2023


Title: The Viking She Loves to Hate
Author: Lucy Morris
Published: July 2023
Genre: Viking, Enemies-to-Lovers, Historical Romance, Mills & Boon Historical, Harlequin Historical


Sparks fly in this Viking enemies-to-lovers story

Her rival

Is her most dangerous temptation!

Astrid Viggosdottir’s father has ordered a competition between her and new arrival Viking Ulrik to prove who is the better boat builder! If she loses, Princess Astrid will be duty-bound to marry a jarl. If Ulrik loses, he will be banished, leaving his motherless daughter homeless. With the stakes so high, Astrid should hate this man, but during the long hot summer, their rivalry turns to a heated passion that neither can ignore!

My Review:

This enemies-to-lovers trope is literally what I expected when these two ship-builders took part in ship-building rivalry. I couldn’t tell how Astrid, a princess, cleverly builds a ship! When Astrid’s father, a king, returns from the raid, he brings a hero Viking whom saved his life, Ulrik. Ulrik needs a stable place for him and his daughter however it doesn’t turn out as he hoped because Astrid doesn’t want any ship-builders replace her thus the king proposes ship-building competition.

Despite her beauty and skill, Astrid is rather spoilt, childish and stubborn. It is so quite opposite from Ulrik with his determined intention for the sake of his daughter. I was so utterly captivated by this hairy massive thick feature. Ulrik is the definition of Viking hero I instantly feel in love with. When they began their ship-buildings, I was surprisingly transfixed by their talents and works with the lively banter in between that kept me turning the pages. Lucy Morris’s wonderful writing helped me build the imaginative figure of both ships. I, too, enjoyed the feast of the festival which Lucy Morris often traditionally associate with the superstition but Astrid and Ulrik’s forbidden desire which couldn’t be held back has drawn me more. The more I read the more I became determined that of all characters within this story, Astrid’s mother eventually won my side!

Oh dear, I so loved this story, the process of the ship-buildings and its intricate are so meticulously researched. The intense rivalry which characters grow at the beginning and finally surrender to their compelling desire at the end despite the status quo is so remarkably moving. The last pages might have made my heart ache but it’s all worth it to the happy ending! Thank you Lucy Morris, for the digital ARC, which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the author

Lucy Morris lives in Essex, UK, with her husband, two young children and two cats. She has a massively sweet tooth and loves gin, bubbly and Irn-Bru. She is a member of the UK Romantic Novelists’ Association. She was delighted to accept a two-book deal with Harlequin after submitting her story to the Warriors Wanted! Submission blitz for Viking, medieval and Highlander romances. Writing for Harlequin Historical is a dream come true for her and she hopes you enjoy her books! Follow her on twitter

Sunday 28 May 2023

Title: Rivals at the Royal Altar
Author: Julieanne Howells
Published: May 2023
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Mills & Boon Modern, Harlequin Presents, Enemies-to-Lovers, Marriage-of-Convenience


The queen’s fairy-tale with her enemy! Surrender to this emotional royal romance from Julieanne Howells.

Not just a night with her enemy...

A lifetime!

Queen Agnesse was not supposed to become playboy Prince Sebastien’s bride. But, forced to cohost a charity gala, the incendiary, off-limits chemistry they’ve long ignored explodes...and the consequences will be legally binding!

Seb vowed he’d never marry. Not after his own unhappy past. Still, he’ll do anything to protect Agnesse and her hard-won reputation. They have faced heartbreak apart. Now the love developing between them could help them face their biggest trial together...if they can finally believe that love exists.

My Review:

What a compelling enemies-to-lovers trope! I might have rambled a lot about heroes from my prior reviews but I now so adore Agnesse as a strong stubborn heroine!

Agnesse is more likely a mirror image of me I realized it when she has to co-host with her adversary, Seb, a playboy prince (I have a tendency to avoid people I don’t like). Her disgust at him is so obvious and I wondered how she is going to fall for him. Her temper and characters at the beginning are so compelling that I began to like her. Meanwhile despite his reluctance, Seb agrees to replace his cousin to be with Agnesse in the gala for charity.

I couldn’t hide my hilarious interest when both are confronted in the gala and their hate and sexual attraction are mingled. Oh I was super excited to read it and see how they would undergo their undeniable appeal. I knew, beneath their strong and scathing banter, they are actually vulnerable. Seb is an epitome of rake that is what people and press presume, yet he might not what his image reveals, I think he is the most compassionate, tender-hearted and lovable character in this book. On the other hand Agnesse is a beauty but most regards her as an ice queen. No one knows how vulnerable she is. The duty they have to deal with and the consequence of their off-limits sexual desire eventually bring them together.

Ah it is a truly beautiful and compelling book. Their electric sexual tension is so steamy and powerful especially the epilogue. At one time I just wanted to shout to both Seb and Agnesse that they have been in love since their first encounter yet both are too stubborn, nonetheless I loved this story! I even had to re-read some of my bookmarks just to feel how romantic and intimate the moments were. It also features lots of daisies, one of my favourite flowers! I will definitely read Julieanne’s other books. Thank you, Julieanne Howells, for the digital ARC which I voluntary reviewed.

Rate: 5 of 5

About the Author

Julieanne Howells loves the romance of a stormy day, which is just as well because she lives in rainy North East England. On inclement days, if she’s not writing and reading, she has a fondness for cooking. Sometimes her efforts are even edible. She compensates for her lack of domestic skills by being an expert daydreamer, always imagining ways for plucky heroines to upend the world of handsome, provoking heroes. For Julianne, writing for Harlequin is just about the perfect job. Follow her on Twitter



Title: The Marriage That Made Her Queen
(Behind the Palace Doors... Book 1)

Author: Kali Anthony
Published: September 2022
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romance, Harlequin Presents, Mills & Boon Modern, Marriage of Convenience


Desire the royal altar! Get swept into the drama of this marriage-of-convenience romance by Kali Anthony.

“I’m asking you to be my husband.”

Her kingdom depends on it!

After tragedy strikes, queen-to-be Lise is all alone. To claim her crown, she must wed. And the man she must turn to is the self-made billionaire who made Lise believe in love before he shattered her heart – Rafe De Villiers.

For Rafe, Lise’s on-paper proposal should feel like a victory. He’ll finally silence those who only see his humble roots. Yet suddenly, winning back Lise’s trust seems more important. And he’ll have to secure it if passion is going to be part of their future...

My Review:

I was totally tempted to be reading the first book of Behind the Palace Doors after having read the second one, I knew I didn’t read it in order but it’s a standalone and I still found the joy.

After the untimely death of her family, Lise has to step up to be the queen in Lauritanian monarch yet she has to marry beforehand to claim it. The only man her father had approved is Rafe, the billionaire albeit commoner. On their wedding day, Rafe has clearly displayed his strong desire at her but Lise doesn’t see it that way because first she is unprepared to be queen as she has never trained to be one even though Rafe has attempted to assist her, second because she mistrusts him.

I loved how Rafe doesn’t conceal his sexual desire towards Lise from the beginning, his attempt is quite conventional and patient, particularly when his hands message Lise in the most tempting way, I would do anything just to be messaged by him. Further how Lise pictures him every time his muscle bulges against his shirt is quite vivid and enticed me however beneath that strong and confident mask I found another man, the one whom has been prejudiced. Throughout the story both Lise and Rafe have many things to be resolved mostly their internal conscience.

I really enjoyed reading Lise and Rafe’s. Their attempt in striving for their happiness is full of emotional drama but I always remember how romantic it was when Rafe makes wreath from wildflowers and grass, that scene etches within my mind.  The ending and epilogue are truly fascinating. Thank you, Kali Anthony, for providing me the digital copy.

Rate: 4.5 of 5

About the Author

When Kali Anthony read her first romance novel at fourteen, she realized a few truths: there can never be too many happy endings, and one day she would write them herself. After marrying her own tall, dark and handsome hero in a perfect friends-to-lovers romance, Kali took the plunge and penned her first story. Writing has been a love affair ever since. If she isn’t battling her cat for access to the keyboard, you can find Kali playing dress-up in vintage clothes, gardening, or bushwhacking with her husband and three children in the rain forest of South East Queensland. You might contact her on or her twitter